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Direct marketing is defined as marketing communication activities that establish a relationship between the target audience and the brand, create loyalty, encourage purchasing, and are interactive, tangible, inviting, participatory, and measurable, using channels other than mass media tools. As channels become more intertwined and reaching consumers becomes more challenging, brands are increasingly focusing on reaching a selected target audience on a one-to-one basis, beyond general communications.

As for the earliest studies in direct marketing in Türkiye, pinpointing the very first initiatives can be complex due to the evolution of marketing practices over time. However, direct marketing has been an integral part of the marketing landscape in Türkiye for several decades, with businesses increasingly adopting this approach as consumer databases and digital marketing tools have developed, particularly since the late 20th century.

For specific examples and a detailed history of lesser-known brand communication records please watch the video.

Author tribaladm1n

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